Earlier this month, Meghan Markle announced her return to TV with a trailer for her new show, With Love, Meghan, which was shot in Montecito, the community in Santa Barbara where she lives with her husband, Prince Harry. In the weeks since then, wildfires have raged across the Los Angeles era, and on Sunday, Netflix announced that the show's premiere had been postponed from January 15 to March 4 due to “the ongoing devastation” of the fires.
“I’m thankful to my partners at Netflix for supporting me in delaying the launch, as we focus on the needs of those impacted by the wildfires in my home state of California,” Meghan said in a statement to Netflix’s Tudum site.
The eight-episode series will feature Meghan cooking, entertaining, and gardening with a long list of guest stars including friends Mindy Kaling, former Suits costar Abigail Spencer, makeup artist Daniel Martin, literary agent and bookstore owner Jennifer Rudolph Walsh, along with chefs Roy Choi, Alice Waters, and more.
Meghan and Harry’s Montecito home is far from the areas where a series of fires continue to burn, but on Friday, the couple traveled to Pasadena to see the areas affected by the Eaton Fire. Donning masks, they joined the city’s mayor Victor Gordo and José Andrés, chef and founder of relief organization World Central Kitchen.
“They want to be as helpful as they can be, and really, they just wanted to be supportive,” Gordo told local news station Fox 11 following the visit. “They came out here to work.”
Last week, a source told Vanity Fair that the couple is supporting Andrés’s organization, among others, through their Archewell Foundation. In addition, the couple has opened their home to a handful of friends who were forced to evacuate from their homes due to the ongoing emergency.
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